Liquid material added to some plastics to reduce their hardness and increase pliability. Also, an additive to concrete and mortar to increase plasticity.
Plate Glass
A high-quality glass sheet that has both surfaces ground flat and carefully polished.
Plaster of Parts
A calcined gypsum mixed with water to form a thick, pastelike mixture.
The ability of a material to be deformed into a different shape.
Plastic Behavior
The ability of a material to become soft and formed into desired shapes.
Plaster Base
Any material suitable for the application of plaster.
Plastic Liimit
Related to soils, the percent moisture content at which the soil begins to crumble when it is rolled into a thread 1/2 inch (3mm) in diameter.
Plastic Deformation
The deformation of a material beyond the point at which it will recover its original shape.
An organic material that is solid in its finished state but is capable of being molded or of receiving form.
Normally a 2 X 4 or 2 X 6 that lays horizontally within a framed structure, such as:Sill plate- A horizontal member anchored to a concrete or masonry wall.Sole plate- Bottom horizontal member of a frame wall.Top plate- Top horizontal member of a frame wall supporting ceiling joists, rafters, or other members. "Top" plate is the horizontal member fastened to the top of the studs or wall on which the rafters, joists or trusses rest; "sole" plate is positioned at bottom of studs or wall.
Platform Frame
A wood structural frame for light construction with the studs extending only one floor high upon which the second floor is constructed.
Plough, plow
To cut a lengthwise groove in a board or plank. An exterior handrail normally has a ploughed groove for hand gripping purposes
- The main hot-air supply duct leading from a furnace. (1) The space above a suspended ceiling.(2) Chamber in which the pressure of the air is higher (as in a forced-air furnace system) than that of the surrounding air.
Plumbing ground
The plumbing drain and waste lines that are installed beneath a basement floor.
Plumb bob
A lead weight attached to a string. It is the tool used in determining plumb.
Plumbing boots
Metal saddles used to strengthen a bearing wall/vertical stud(s) where a plumbing drain line has been cut through and installed.
- Exactly vertical and perpendicular.
Floor surface raised above the ground or floor level.
Platform Framing
Technique of framing where walls can be built and tilted-up on a platform floor, and in multi-story construction are erected sequentially from one platform to another. Also known as "Western" framing.
Plot plan
An overhead view plan that shows the location of the home on the lot. Includes all easements, property lines, set backs, and legal descriptions of the home. Provided by the surveyor.