COVID-19 Response + Resources


Letter From Source CEO, Nicole Schmidt

In the past 2 weeks, we have watched American life as we know it grind to a halt. The commercial design industry is especially impacted by social distancing and shelter-in-place mandates. Firms that were accustomed to collaborative, in-person studio life are now scrambling to support remote work. Reps are trying to find new ways of staying connected to designers through digital channels. NeoCon was cancelled. Construction projects have been suspended, and some work sites have paused work. We are all uncertain about how long this emergency response will last, and what the new normal will be once we emerge on the other end.  

I do not know what our industry will look like in 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years. I do know that the best chance we have of weathering the storm will be to band together, share knowledge in real time, and build solutions quickly.

Our company, Source, is deeply rooted in traditional commercial design, but is at its heart is a nimble tech startup. Our team is built to rapidly solve the new problems we’re facing. We are here for the community, and we’re prepared to act in more tangible ways than thoughts & prayers. 

Today, we are launching national initiatives to bring together the commercial design industry.

This situation is evolving, and we are evolving our response accordingly. Please join us in this effort to collectively survive the pandemic and protect the future of our industry.



Nicole Schmidt, CEO of Source

For Architecture and Design Professionals

  • Free access to all Source digital services for 6 months, or as long as it takes to get back to whatever our new normal might be. As we transition to working from home, Source can help design professionals stay connected to their team members and remain productive. 

    • Services: Consult for free with our product experts, including live chat. We also offer a broad array of services including finish schedule ordering, curated palettes, research requests, and sustainability specification consulting to assist you with everything from product discovery to V.E. replacements. 

    • Digital Library: Access our robust online materials library. As of today, you can use our platform to connect with reps from over 450 brands and browse over 100,000 products. We are adding new products and brands every week.

    • Digital Teamwork: Collaborate with team members on projects, export product information, and keep track of the materials you’ve specified.

  • Access to community events

    • Sign up for a free Source account to receive a weekly digest of upcoming events, or check out our events page. If you have suggestions for a digital community activity, please email

    • We have started a Slack community for A+D professionals. Join for free using this link. You do not need to be an active Slack user, and if you already use Slack this will not interfere with your other Slack communities.

  • We are recruiting for a Design Leadership Advisory Group. If you are a firm leader, please sign up for this group. We will share insights from leaders and developers around the country about how this pandemic is affecting our work, and will design potential solutions that Source can build or facilitate.

  • Existing member firms get 6 months payment relief on their membership fees, to be used any time at their discretion

  • Premium platform support

    • Weekly webinars on how to use Source, sign up here.

    • Schedule a 1:1 demo for yourself or your firm, sign up here.

    • Live chat is available between 9am-5pm M-F on our website. Simply click the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen on any page of our website.

    • If you need help, for any reason, just reach out. We’re real humans who will do anything we can to help you during this time, even if it’s not one of our formal services. 

For Manufacturers

  • Reps get free accounts with premium support, and will have access to beta test new ways to connect virtually to designers. Weekly demos on Fridays @ 9am, beginning April 3rd. Sign up here

  • Manufacturers are invited to join our Manufacturer Beta Program. If you are in marketing or leadership at a product manufacturing company, please fill out this form

  • Bespoke Program

    • Small, local makers may find themselves in a particularly vulnerable position during this time, and we want to help protect these incredible artisans and the unique product options they provide to the design community. If you are a bespoke producer who can handle commercial projects, please fill out this form.


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