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Septic Tank

A watertight tank into which sewage is run and where it remains for a period of time to permit hydrolysis and gasification of the contents, which then flow from the tank and are absorbed in the soil.

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Septic system

An on site waste water treatment system. It usually has a septic tank which promotes the biological digestion of the waste, and a drain field which is designed to let the left over liquid soak into the ground. Septic systems and permits are usually sized by the number of bedrooms in a house.

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The process of becoming allergic to a substance to which a person has been exposed. This process can occur before birth, during childhood, or in adulthood. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources

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Service Equipment

Main control gear at the service entrance, such as circuit breakers, switches, and fuses. The equipment needed to control and cut off the power supply to a building, such as switches and circuit breakers.

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