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Butt joint

The junction where the ends of two timbers meet, and also where sheets of drywall meet on the 4 foot edge. To place materials end-to-end or end-to-edge without overlapping.

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A 10" or 12" diameter hole drilled into the earth and embedded into bedrock 3 - 4 feet. The structural support for a type of foundation wall, porch, patio, mono-post, or other structure. Two or more "sticks" of reinforcing bars (rebar) are inserted into and run the full length of the hole and concrete is poured into the caisson hole A watertight structure within which work can be carried out below the surface of water.

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The US Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have determined that cadmium is a known human carcinogen, associated with lung cancer. Additionally, acute and long-term exposures can lead to lung and kidney damage, bone loss, hypertension. In sufficient quantities, cadmium is lethal. Cadmium’s extreme toxicity means that overexposure can occur even when only trace amounts are present, such as during smelting and electroplating activities. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources

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Council of American Building Officials Association, made up of representatives from three model codes. Issues National Research Board (NRB) research reports.

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Curvature built into a beam or truss to compensate for loads that will be encountered when in place and load is applied. The crown is placed upward. Insufficient camber results in unwanted deflection when the member is loaded.

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