A general term used to describe a panel made from interfelted lignocellulose fibers consolidated under heat and pressure.
Halogenated Fire Retardants (HFRs)
Halogenated Fire Retardants (HFRs) are a broad class of flame retardants containing chlorine or bromine that have aroused concern due to their exponential accumulation in human beings in recent years. HFRs are persistent bioaccumulative toxins, meaning that they accumulate in organisms and the broader environment, often reaching alarmingly high concentrations as they travel up the food chain. In addition, certain halogenated products have shown evidence of harm to humans and other animal species. According to the Washington State Department of Ecology, for example, the toxicity endpoints of concern for Penta-PBDE include adverse effects on neurological development, reproduction, thyroid hormone disruption and possible liver toxicity. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources
A shading technique used to depict ground form.
A measure of the ability of a material to resist indention or surface scratching.
All of the "metal" fittings that go into the home when it is near completion. For example, door knobs, towel bars, handrail brackets, closet rods, house numbers, door closers, etc. The Interior Trim Carpenter installs the "hardware".
Hardwood Plywood
Plywood with various species of hardwoods used on the outer veneers.
An extension, knee like protrusion of the foundation wall that a concrete porch or patio will rest upon for support. A projection used to support a member, such as a beam.
A botanical group of trees that have broad leaves that are shed in the winter (it does not refer to the hardness of the wood).
Hazard insurance
Protection against damage caused by fire, windstorms, or other common hazards. Many lenders require borrowers to carry it in an amount at least equal to the mortgage.
The inherent capacity of a substance to cause an adverse effect to health or the environment. “Hazard” is not synonymous with “risk” and/or “exposure”. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources
Health Product Declaration (Hpd)
A standardized format, managed by the Health Product Declaration Collaborative, for reporting building product contents and their known associated hazard data. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources
The fireproof area directly in front of a fireplace. The inner or outer floor of a fireplace, usually made of brick, tile, or stone.
Health Endpoint (Hazard Type)
An effect of exposure to a toxic chemical, such as carcinogenicity or reproductive toxicity. RSEI considers both cancer and non-cancer chronic human health endpoints in calculating toxicity weights. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources
Header Joist
A structural member fastened between two parallel full-length framing members to support cut off members at the openings.
(a) A beam placed perpendicular to joists and to which joists are nailed in framing for a chimney, stairway, or other opening. (b) A wood lintel. (c) The horizontal structural member over an opening (for example over a door or window).
Heat meter
An electrical municipal inspection of the electric meter breaker panel box.
Heat Loss
The energy needed to warm outside air leaking into a building through cracks around doors, windows, and other places.
Heat Exchanger
A device to transfer heat between two physically separated fluids.
Form of energy thought to be characterized by the rate of vibration of the molecules of a substance. The hotter the substance, the faster the molecules vibrate. On the other hand, when there is no heat present it is thought the molecules will be at rest, which theoretically occurs at absolute zero, -459.7°F (-273.15°C or 0.0°K).
The wood extending from the pith to the sapwood.