- Squared blocks of smooth stone neatly trimmed to shape.
- Sharp edge of a finished member.
ASD (Allowable Stress Design)
A structural design method whereby a structural element is designed so that the unit stresses computed under the action of working or service loads do not exceed specified allowable values. See Working Stress Design and Elastic Design.
As-Built Drawing
A drawing or print marked by the Contractor to show actual conditions of a project as constructed after construction.
As Built
survey is performed to obtain horizontal and/or vertical dimensional data so that constructed improvements may be located and delineated
Formerly American Standards Assn., now American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Arrow Loop
A narrow vertical slit cut into a wall through which arrows could be fired from inside.
Ascot Valance
valance is a V shaped piece of fabric, trimmed with tassel or beads that can be used free standing or as a top treatment over Panels or Poletops.
ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
Founded in 1852, is the oldest national professional engineering society in the United States. It is dedicated to the advancement of the individual civil engineer and the civil engineering profession through education.
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that is used in a variety of construction materials for its strength and heat resisting capabilities. It is often found in wall insulation, vinyl floor coverings, paint compounds, roofing, heat resistant fabrics, and automobile brakes. Exposure occurs as asbestos fibers are released into the air during use, demolition, work, building, or repairing asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos is a known human carcinogen, increasing risks of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.
Approved Agency
An established and recognized agency regularly engaged in conducting tests or furnishing inspection services, when such agency has been approved by the building official.
Arc Resistance
The total elapsed time in seconds and electric current must arc to cause a part to fail.
- A trim board that is installed beneath a window sill
- The term "approved," where used in conjunction with the Architect's action on the Contractor's submittal, applications, and requests, is limited to the Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in General and Supplementary Conditions.
- Rounded and usually of a chancel or chapel.
An underground permeable material through which water flows.
Approval Plans
Plans sent by the joist manufacturer to the buyer, engineer, architect, contractor or other person for approval. The plans may include a framing plan, elevations, sections, and a material list.
Approval Drawings
Approval drawings may include framing drawings, elevations and sections through the building as furnished by the manufacturer for approval of the buyer. Approval by the buyer affirms that the manufacturer has correctly interpreted the overall contract requirements for the metal building system and it's accessories, and the exact location of accessories in the building.
Approved Source
An in dependent per son, firm or corporation, approved by the building official, who is competent and experienced in the application of engineering principles to materials, methods or systems analyses.
An expert valuation of property.