Accessory Structure
In one- and two-family dwellings not more than three stories high with separate means of egress, a building, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building and which is located on the same lot.
Acoustical Ceiling
A ceiling of fibrous tiles that are highly absorbent of sound energy.
Acoustical Glass
A glazing unit used to reduce the transmission of sound through the glazed opening by bonding a soft interlayer between the layers of glass.
Acoustical Plaster
Calcined gypsum mixed with lightweight aggregates.
A building product which supplements a basic solid panel building such as a door, window, light transmitting panel, roof vent, etc.
Accessory Building
A building or structure on the same lot as the main or principal building.
Are extra items that can be furnished in addition to the base joist or joist girder. They include: headers, top chord extensions, extended ends, ceiling extensions, bottom chord extensions, sloped end bearings, bridging, bridging anchors, joist girder bottom chord bracing, or angle units (joist substitutes).
Accessible, Readily
Signifies access without the necessity for removing a panel or similar obstruction.
Signifies access that requires the removal of an access panel or similar removable obstruction.
- A pattern or design not based on natural forms.
Abutment Joint
A surface divider joint designed to allow free movement between new and existing construction or between different materials.
Access Right
Right of an owner to have ingress and egress to and from a property.
The process by which a liquid or mixture of liquid and gases is drawn into the pores of a porous solid material.
Acanthus Leaf
Motif in classical architecture found on Corinthian columns
A motif derived from the large leaf of the low-growing acanthus plant. Used at an early date by the Greeks for architectural scrolls on the capitals of the Corinthian column.
A substance, such as calcium chloride, added to a concrete mix to speed up its setting and strength development.
Abrasion Resistance (AC Rating)
- Also referred to as the wear rating, it is the European Standard AC Rating. The range runs from the least resistant rating of AC1 To AC5, the most resistant to abrasion.
AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)
A regulatory organization which governs the design and specifications of highway bridges.
Access Flooring
A raised finish floor surface consisting entirely of small, individually removable panels beneath which wiring, ductwork, and other services may be installed.
A/C Condenser
- The outside fan unit of the Air Conditioning system. It removes the heat from the freon gas and "turns" the gas back into a liquid and pumps the liquid back to the coil in the furnace.