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Toxic (Toxicant)

A poisonous substance that is naturally occurring (e.g., arsenic), synthetic (e.g., bisphenol A), or produced by a living organism (i.e., a toxin). https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources

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A poisonous substance produced by a living organism, such as a snake, bee, or fungus. Toxins are a subclass of toxicants. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources

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A plumbing fitting that holds water to prevent air, gas, and vermin from backing up into a fixture. A device used to maintain a water seal against sewer gases that back up the waste pipe. Usually, each fixture has a trap.

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Transmission Loss (TL)

Essentially the amount, in decibels, by which sound power is attenuated by passing from one side of a structure to the other. TL is independent of the rooms on each side of the structure and theoretically independent of the area and edge conditions of the structure.

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Treated lumber

A wood product which has been impregnated with chemical pesticides such as CCA (Chromated Copper Arsenate) to reduce damage from wood rot or insects. Often used for the portions of a structure which are likely to be in contact with soil and water. Wood may also be treated with a fire retardant.

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The vertical stud that supports a header at a door, window, or other opening. Double joists or rafters framing the opening of a stairway well, dormer opening, etc.

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Trim- Interior

The finish materials in a building, such as moldings applied around openings (window trim, door trim) or at the floor and ceiling of rooms (baseboard, cornice, and other moldings). Also, the physical work of installing interior doors and interior woodwork, to include all handrails, guardrails, stair way balustrades, mantles, light boxes, base, door casings, cabinets, countertops, shelves, window sills and aprons, etc. ExteriorThe finish materials on the exterior a building, such as moldings applied around openings (window trim, door trim), siding, windows, exterior doors, attic vents, crawl space vents, shutters, etc. Also, the physical work of installing these materials

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