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Coefficient of Heat Transmission (U)

Total amount of heat that passes through an assembly of materials, including air spaces and surface air films. Expressed in Btu per hr., per sq. ft., per °F temperature difference between inside and outside air (beyond the surface air films). "U" values are often used to represent wall and ceiling assemblies, floors and windows. Note: "k" and "C" values cannot simply be added to obtain "U" values. "U" can only be obtained by adding the thermal resistance (reciprocal of "C") of individual items and dividing the total into 1.

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Coefficient of Thermal Conductance (C)

Amount of heat (in Btu) that passes through a specific thickness of a material (either homogeneous or heterogeneous) per hr., per sq. ft., per °F. Measured as temperature difference between surfaces. The "C" value of a homogeneous material equals the "k" value divided by the material thickness: C = k/t (where t = thickness of material in inches)It is impractical to determine a "k" value for some materials such as building paper or those only used or formed as a thin membrane, so only "C" values are given for them.

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An abbreviation for "Certificate of Occupancy". This certificate is issued by the local municipality and is required before anyone can occupy and live within the home. It is issued only after the local municipality has made all inspections and all monies and fees have been paid.

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