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Conduction, Thermal

Transfer of heat from one part of a body to another part of that body, or to another body in contact, without any movement of bodies involved. The hot handle of a skillet is an example. The heat travels from the bottom of the skillet to the handle by conduction.

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Construction Contract

- A legal document which specifies the what-when-where-how-how much and by whom in a construction project. A good construction contract will include:1. The contractor’s registration number.2. A statement of work quality such as 'Standard Practices of the Trades' or 'according to Manufacturers Specifications'.3. A set of Blue Prints or Plans4. A construction timetable including starting and completion dates.6. A set of Specifications7. A Fixed Price for the work, or a Time and Materials formula.8. A Payment Schedule.9. Any Allowances.10. A clause which outlines how any disputes will be resolved.11. A written Warrantee.

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A general umbrella term for everything in a product or part (homogenous materials and/or chemical substances). https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources

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Control Joint

Tooled, straight grooves made on concrete floors to "control" where the concrete should crack A groove formed in concrete or masonry structures to allow a place where cracking can occur, thus reducing the development of high stresses.

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- A company licensed to perform certain types of construction activities. In most states, the general contractor's license and some specialty contractor's licenses don't require of compliance with bonding, workmen's compensation and similar regulations. Some of the specialty contractor licenses involve extensive training, testing and/or insurance requirements. There are various types of contractors:General contractor - responsible for the execution, supervision and overall coordination of a project and may also perform some of the individual construction tasks. Most general contractors are not licensed to perform all specialty trades and must hire specialty contractors for such tasks, e.g. electrical, plumbing.Remodeling contractor - a general contractor who specializes in remodeling work.Specialty contractor - licensed to perform a specialty task e.g. electrical, side sewer, asbestos abatement.Sub contractor - a general or specialty contractor who works for anothergeneral contractor.

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