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Electrical entrance package

- The entry point of the electrical power including: (1) the 'strike' or location where the overhead or underground electrical lines connect to the house, (2) The meter which measures how much power is used and (3) The 'panel' or 'circuit breaker box ' (or 'fuse box') where the power can be shut off and where overload devices such a fuses or circuit breakers and located.

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Electrical Rough

Work performed by the Electrical Contractor after the plumber and heating contractor are complete with their phase of work. Normally all electrical wires, and outlet, switch, and fixture boxes are installed (before insulation).

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Endocrine Disruptors

A substance that mimics, blocks, or interferes with hormones and their production, metabolism, and excretion causing malfunction of the endocrine system which can lead to malfunction of the reproductive, nervous, and immune systems. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources

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Electrical Trim

Work performed by the electrical contractor when the house is nearing completion. The electrician installs all plugs, switches, light fixtures, smoke detectors, appliance "pig tails", and bath ventilation fans, wires the furnace, and "makes up" the electric house panel. The electrician does all work necessary to get the home ready for and to pass the municipal electrical final inspection

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