Manufactured structural building component resembling the letter "I". Used as floor joists and rafters. I-joists include two key parts: flangesand webs. The flange of the I joist may be made of laminated veneer lumber or dimensional lumber, usually formed into a 1 ½" width. The webor center of the I-joist is commonly made of plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). Large holes can be cut in the web to accommodate duct work and plumbing waste lines. I-joists are available in lengths up to 60 feet long
I Joist
A wood joist made of an assembly of laminated veneer wood top and bottom flanges and a web of plywood or oriented strandboard.
A steel beam with a cross section resembling the letter I It is used for long spans as basement beams or over wide wall openings, such as a double garage door, when wall and roof loads bear down on the opening.
International Conference of Building Officials, a nonprofit organization that publishes the Uniform Building Code.
Igneous Rock
Rock formed by the solidification of molten material to a solid state.
Impact Insulation Class
An index of the extent to which a floor assembly transmits impact noise from a room above to the room below.
Impact Noise
Sound generated by impact on the floor or other parts of a building that is carried through the building.
Impact Insulation Class (IIC)
Single-number rating used to compare and evaluate the performance of floor-ceiling constructions in isolating impact noise. The advantages of this rating system are positive values and the correlation with Sound Transmission Class (STC) values -- both providing approximately equal isolation at a particular value. The IIC rating is used by building agencies for specifying minimum sound-control performance of assemblies in residential construction.
Impact Strength
The energy required to fracture a specimen when struck with a rapidly applied load.
The density of luminous power in lumens per a specified area.
Impact Noise Rating (INR)
Obsolete rating system for floor-ceiling construction in isolating impact noise. INR ratings can be converted to approximate IIC ratings by adding 51 points; however, a variation of 1 or 2 points may occur.
The emission of visible light produced by heating.
Impact Test
A test for determining the resistance of a specimen fracture from a high-velocity blow.
In Situ
Undisturbed soil.
An unintended substance present in a material/mixture as manufactured that was not an intentionally used substance in the production of the material/mixture. It may originate from the starting materials or be the result of secondary or incomplete reactions during the manufacturing process. For example, a chemical substance as supplied in commerce that is 99.0% pure is a mixture of the pure chemical substance and 1.0% of impurities. https://healthymaterialslab.org/tool-guides/hml-resources
Incandescent lamp
A lamp employing an electrically charged metal filament that glows at white heat. A typical light bulb.
A mass of molten metal cast in a mold and solidified to be stored until used for forging or rolling into a finished product.
The amount of solar radiation on a given plane or surface.
Inside corner
The point at which two walls form an internal angle, as in the corner of a room.
See Noncombustible.