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The world's most popular CAD (computer-aided drafting) software product for the personal computer by Autodesk, Inc. Anything that can be drawn on a drawing board can be drawn by AutoCAD. See also Revit.

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Automatic Closing

A code term involving the permitted practice of holding a fire door in the open position providing the door closes upon detection. Generally the detection must be from the presence of visible or invisible particles of combustion. Fusible links are not usually considered acceptable because of slower response time. Any listed closer can be used in combination with an electromagnetic holder and a photo electric or ionization type smoke detector. Labeled or listed spring hinges could be used as well as hydraulic door closers. Some special applications of swinging, sliding and rolling fire doors primarily in industrial applications are permitted to be used with fusible links, weights and pulleys. Later product introductions are more sophisticated and provide more flexibility for building operation. These are hydraulic door closers incorporating hold open mechanisms allowing the door to be held open in many degrees of opening positions. The most recent product introduction along these lines is the so-called "swing free" unit. Instead of using a hold open mechanism, the energy of the closer is negated and the door is allowed to be operated as if it were not equipped with a closer. Upon detection of visible or invisible particles of combustion, the closing mechanism engages and the closer causes the door to return to the closed and latched position. These automatic closing arrangements are fail safe in that upon power failure, the door closes. All are listed by a nationally recognized independent testing laboratory and are under an in-plant follow-up inspection service.

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Auxiliary Crane Girder

A girder arranged parallel to the main girder for supporting the platform motor base, operator’s cab, control panels, etc., to reduce the torsional forces that such load would otherwise impose on the main crane girder.

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Auxiliary Loads

All specified dynamic live loads other than the basic design loads which the building must safely withstand, such as cranes, material handling systems, machinery, elevators, vehicles, and impact loads.

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Auxiliary Lock

A lock having a latch bolt or a dead bolt operated by a key or a thumb turn or both. This lock is often used in addition to another lock, which may or may not be key operated but which has a latch bolt operated by knobs or levers.

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Awning Window

Hinged at the top and swinging out at the bottom, operated by a cranking mechanism. Usually rectangular, and wider than they are long. A window that pivots near the top edge of the sash and projects toward the exterior.

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An architectural projection that provides weather protection, identity or decoration and is wholly sup ported by the building to which it is attached. An awning is comprised of a light weight, rigid skeleton structure over which a covering is attached.

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Axial Load

- A load whose line of action passes through the centroid of the member's cross-sectional area and is perpendicular to the plane of the section. A longitudinal load that acts at the centroid of a member and perpendicular to it's cross section.

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