Fabricoil is available in 12 standard Metaltone finishes that can be sprayed over steel and aluminum coiled wire fabrics.Metaltone finishes are beautiful and resilient and are the perfect way to give all of your projects a look that is both unique and durable. Designers and architects have been using metallic paint and finishes for years to define style and bring distinction to the signature work they do. Metaltone metallic pigments are composed of copper, copper/zinc alloys, aluminum, or varying blends of all three. Because these pigments are pure metal, there are some limitations to their use. They cannot be used for exterior applications and high-temperature environments should be avoided. Because the nature of these pigments is to “leaf” or orient themselves near the surface of the lacquer coating, an additional acrylic clear top coat is advised whenever it is likely that a metallic finish will be exposed to excessive handling or where extra durability is required.